Speed Cleaning

For months I’ve been raving about a book that has changed my life and given me back hours of precious time. The book is called ‘Speed Cleaning’, and is available from http://www.thecleanteam.com/

Now what does a cleaning book have to do with building construction? Well a few things:

1/ After construction, people are often left wondering how to clean and maintain their remodeled home. One of our goals for 2008 is to provide people with a clear picture of what to do to their home and when.

2/ Proper cleaning will improve the longevity of most things in your home.

3/ Proper remodeling makes for easy cleaning, maintenance and storage.

4/ A clean and well-maintained home makes for happier occupants. (OK, this has nothing to do with construction, but isn’t it nice to know we care?)

So what is ‘Speed Cleaning’? In his book, Jeff Campbell distills years of cleaning wisdom into 13 rules, which are also available on his website. The second chapter covers the use of a cleaning apron stocked with appropriate cleaning tools and products. The remainder of the book is largely devoted to the cleaning of specific rooms or household items.

To be clear, this is not a book for folks who want a few tips or a smattering of advice. Campbell uses a systematic approach for all aspects of house cleaning. In other words, a single, correct approach. While some find may find the approach stifling, it can be liberating to learn a methodical, best approach. For instance, if you’ve ever wondered what the correct sequence was for applying cleaner to your toilet, ‘Speed Cleaning’ has a written numeric sequence and a helpful drawing. No argument or dissent, just do what Campbell says, and get it done quickly.

My advice for homeowners – pick up the 3 book deal from the website along with ‘The Home Owner’s Journal’. Also pick up the ‘Complete Home Care Kit with DVD’, which includes a huge volume of cleaning supplies. Watch the DVD, read the book, and get crackin’. If you’re a Tay River client who is performing major remodeling, you’ll be receiving ‘The Home Owner’s Journal’ as a gift to help you track many of your selections and stay on top of home maintenance.

Another item for Tay River customers – we’re going to defer to Jeff Campbell’s book and website to answer all of your cleaning and maintenance questions. Of course one should always follow a manufacturer’s directions, but within that framework Campbell’s books provide far better guidance then we can.

Looking towards the projects we have slated for 2008, we’ll be trying to facilitate better cleaning generally, and ‘Speed Cleaning’ specifically through our designs and construction. For example, we’ll be looking to store cleaning products in accessible cabinets or drawers, and moving clients away from the ‘shove-the-cleaners-under-the-kitchen-sink’ paradigm.

One final note, with the rising popularity of under-mount sinks, homeowners may want to spray a little bleach solution (4:1 water:bleach) under the counter top lip to prevent nasty things from growing under there. Be sure to follow his guidelines for the proper handling of bleach.

Thanks for reading,


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